Selamat Menyambut Bulan Ramadhan

Hi gaiss. Actualleh, there's a lot of things i wanna talk about. There's a lot of things that i wanna share with all of you. But who knows aite? I've been a little busy lately. Busy? Yeah right. Busy playin' game, busy playin' around, etc, etc and etc. Lol -,-'

"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman, telah di wajibkan ke atas kamu berpuasa seperti mana di wajibkan ke atas mereka sebelum kamu. Mudah-mudahan kamu bertakwa." 
Al-Bakarah :183
I hope this Ramadhan, I will be a better person. InsyaAllah. Hope this Ramadhan will give us an oppurtunity to being a good person. Changing from bad to a good person. Happy Ramadhan to all muslims. Sekian, assalamualaikum.
Heart: Bubu 


HUDAJMAL said...

selamat berpuasa ! :)

Bubu said...

Thank you. Jangan ponteng puasa. Huhu >.<